The Best Martial Art - A Matter of Intent

As they are not human, no war and conflict. Hand in hand, or at least used to be in combat a wider battlefield, perhaps. But even today, unless your intention is to kill all living things and the level of each building, sooner or later, the battle becomes personal.

Today, people take and follow the martial arts for many reasons: exercise, discipline, self-defense, spirituality and socialization seem to be some of the main reasons, but many people now find a profession in martial arts (especially) mixed (MMA). Observe the amount of amazing things martial arts can bring us; I think it adds a lot to my life.

But now the comparison: One of the simplest ways that you can keep in mind to try the different arts is in a fight one-on-one. But even this has its flaws. I practice Krav Maga, a self-defense system that has the words "fair fight" in him when it comes to the application in the street. So there is something intrinsically wrong with putting a Krav expert in the ring with a Kung Fu master.

practicing Krav because when I went in search of a martial art, he wanted to learn to my family and me to defend at all costs. I never want to get into a real fight, but if I do, I want to be ready to defend my life. Many say that while I martial art can help do this, but this is the purpose of Krav. If your interests are different, you can decide the best martial art there is different.

Tae Kwon Do is beautiful and promotes flexibility and the impressive balance. Many different styles of Kung Fu introducing the beauty and discipline. Karate lends itself to a lot of competition for points. Sumo shows the raw power. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is an excellent tool for women in cases of rape. And the list continues.

At this point, you probably realize where I'm going with this: There is no such thing as the best martial art. It's all to do with his views and intentions. If I had to make a statement, I would say the more styles you learn, the more I practice, more thought you put into the practice, the better you will.

Stephen Buller is a practitioner of self-defense system Krav Maga. He is the owner and operator of Protechtion which aims to give people the knowledge and technology needed for themselves, their families and protect their property.

Protect yourself.

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