What Is the Best Martial Art to Study?

What is the best martial art to study ?? This just has to be the most common question coming from someone who is even thinking about the formation of a martial art.

But be a little more specific when asking a question. The best martial art to study what purpose? It must be specified only asking the question.

So maybe study to self-defense? Or study for the fitness and conditioning? Or study the history of particular cultures "and how martial arts played in it? Or perhaps studying a martial art with a spiritual goal in mind? And the very popular target for parents who want their children enroll based on advertising that have been nurtured for years, there is the issue of discipline that can be taught.

For this article, we will assume that the question concerning the use of a martial art to defend.

It is my view that this question can best be answered if you have information to work. So what follows is my attempt to put forward a very condensed information because we could talk for days.

This gives you some information, I suggest you think of this as a ten events of the decathlon. So in other words, looking to study a style that emphasizes more of an "event". (Then more than ten styles are listed in an effort to educate about certain styles and the most commonly found systems.)

There are several styles that make an attempt to do so. Such a style is Krav Maga / Haganah. This is an Israeli style, which is a compilation of techniques different fighting styles. Its focus is on defense against various attacks from the street.

Jeet Kune Do is another style that has somewhat the same goal. This style was created by Bruce Lee and is based on Wing Chun, which he first learned from his Chinese master Ip Man, but also attracts 25 other systems.

Wing Chun is a close system. He has short, fast and not based on power or strength, but on speed, leverage, and training of strikes reflections. As such, it is ideal for women.

Another family not based on power or strength systems are systems Filipino knife and stick. These are known as Kali, Arnis Escrima and, depending on the geographical region in the Philippines. These arts practice with empty hands and with many other weapons.

Indonesia Silat systems are another group of systems that are not based on power or brute force. In addition, they included the capture standing skills and unique demolition, and share some hand movements and technique with their neighbors in the Philippines.

Thailand Muay Thai or Thai boxing, has big punches and elbow strikes, and probably the strongest blow of the planet, which is designed to be powered by the centrifugal force. This is a brutal technique that is great on the packaging.

Other art in the family of Western boxing is boxing. This is a very good basis for any martial artist and educate the professional development of hand speed and punching power and mobility of the foot.

Standing for the fight against the "lock" the training should be mandatory for all aspiring martial artist as well as a base in ground combat. Many street fights end up fighting and then go to ground.

That said, the land is the last place you want to be in the street or the battlefield. Too many ways to hurt there.

Aikido and Judo are two Japanese ninja arts are both purely defensive by design. Aikido Aikijutsu was taken from the hand of the samurai with the hand system, and was taking Judo Jujitsu. They can be seen to the arts made to take their opponents down and control them, but do not have the strikes in itself.

Hapkido is to launch Korean art and others, but also includes knocking on your system.

MMA is a combination of Muay Thai, grappling and ground fighting.

Sambo is the Russian struggle.

Shuai Jiao is the struggle of China and Mongolia have their own form of struggle Mogolian.

Systema is a Russian system gentle, relaxed parades or counters followed by strikes, takedowns, or control fluid motion.

Karate (Japanese), Taekwondo (Korean), and Savate (French) are on strike mainly of punches, kicks arts, elbows, knees, punches and open hand. These are all styles "hard" that certain styles of Chinese kung fu Hung Gar and Choy Li Fut.

"Soft" internal styles include Chinese Tai Chi, Chinese Ba Gua / Pa Kua and Chinese Xing E / Yi Shing.

Some styles are a mix of hard and soft as Wing Chun Kung Fu.

This is a short list. There are many more that only China has perhaps 600 styles of Kung Fu and India, Africa, Myanmar, Brazil and other countries have their own arts too.

But in spite of a short list, most of all styles fit somewhere in the ten categories, or "events" as mentioned.

My suggestion is to focus for self-defense is better to go wide and then go deep. Training for a large database using the ten categories as examples (not easy to find) and then go further to develop an area of ​​particular interest.

Not good for master a technique against only one type of attack, then you might find a number of different types of attacks. The last great Larry Hartsell and legend Dan Inosanto would say. "No box with a boxer, not a kicker kicking, not to deal with a fighter ~~ they'll beat you." So do not fight your battle.

To do this, you must have at least one course in each.

I suggest starting with an art like Jeet Kune Do / Wing Chun and Krav Maga / Haganah, or at least to find a system that teaches a striking mixture, wrestling and ground fighting as well as common defense against knife, stick, and meetings gun .Then then follow another specialized art, if desired.

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